David Mroz notes Romans Chapter 9

February 27, 2024

Romans 9

My dear men of God. My heart cries leading me to tears as I read chapter 9 and study this. Many of the commentaries say God has predetermined those who are designated to be saved and those destined to be used as illustrations of Gods power and not be saved. I cannot be persuaded to be of that understanding based on the sovereignty of God and what our Savior went through so that, “the ones that come to me I will never cast out” (John 6:37b) would be saved. We discussed man’s responsibility in this, man’s free will, to believe and live in Christ. This does not mean we can live in Christ in our own power. Jesus is clear He, the Holy Spirit, will be given to us for that ability. It is our responsibility to believe by surrendering to the Holy Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, Galatians 5:16. This is the power of God. It does not make us gods but allows us to live by the Spirit. Perhaps the thought is correct for those who will absolutely deny the very existence of God, showing contempt and arrogance, that they would be used to show God’s power as vessels for unrighteousness, but there was a time that they had not known good from bad and that was when they were in the womb, verse 11. It would have been better for them not to have been born, to die in the womb, as Jesus said about Judas in Matthew 26:24. Notice Jesus did not say about Judas, “It would have been better for him not to have been created.” There’s an indication that while Judas was in the womb and had died there he would have been saved. But we have discussed had Judas repented for his sin against Jesus as Peter did in his denial of Jesus, perhaps he would have been used in the kingdom, ahh to speculate with conjecture.

The call to election in Romans 9 becomes clearer in verse 12. The elect is to be used for Gods purpose and used for service, not salvation, according to God’s plan, “not from works but from the One who calls; she (Rebekah) was told, ‘The older will serve the younger.’” Paul had said in earlier chapters that the Jew was responsible for the oracles of God, and they would bless all nations, Genesis 12:3, and this was accomplished with Jesus. Though the Jew was trusted to care for the Law of God, they failed to follow the very law they were entrusted to keep. Some even tried to force the gentile nation to follow the Law which was pointed out that they, themselves, could not keep, Acts 15:10. My purpose here is not to question God and the powers they’re with, but I think chapter 9 further explains that salvation has been expanded to everyone based on the law of faith, chapter 8:3-5, and not according to the law. Up to now righteousness in faith verses righteousness in following the law has been the discussion and that all have failed to be righteous by following the law, even Abraham and the Patriarchs.

The Jew was questioning this line of thinking that they had no choice in the matter but to sin and that God should not hold them accountable, verse 19. Paul goes into a picturesque story to explain his next point. Can the clay ask why he was made such and such a way? Truthfully, would you rather be a pot for cooking or a toilet? The pot still goes into the oven and the toilet, well you know what goes in there. What is an honorable use and a dishonorable use? Paul said objects that were prepared for destruction were met with wrath in the end, but that God had endured much patience before that destruction took place, verse 22, wanting them to clean themselves up by surrendering in faith, 2 Timothy 2:20-21, “Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also those of wood and clay; some for honorable use and some for dishonorable. So, if anyone purifies himself from anything dishonorable, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” The responsibility lies within the heart of man to surrender his ways to God’s way. Nothing David Mroz could ever do in my flesh would ever be acceptable to God. I am filthy, despicable, untrusting. So, to say that God has prepared any person strictly for damnation is wrong and goes against another scripture in Matthew 25: 41, “Then He will also say to those on the left, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!’” The eternal fire was prepared for the devil and his angels only. It has been said that God hates the sin and loves the sinner, but I am sure Jesus would say, God will send the sinner who sins to hell who does not call upon me in faith.

The expansions of Gods kingdom are prophesized in Hosea 1. Israel has failed to be Gods righteous and faithful people, so God has expanded and made known the mystery that salvation is for all people, verses 25-29. Faith through Jesus becomes a stumbling block. It is a stumbling block because the directive is by faith and not works. It has always been by faith as we learned by the actions of Abraham, verses 31-33. As we live in faith and not works’ the freedom from sin becomes more apparent. Though we sin still we hate that part of us and sin can becomes less as the Holy Spirit prompts us to ask for forgiveness and we obey to ask.

Some might argue that God foreknew us before time, and I would say that is correct. Name one person God did not foreknow, He made us all. Jeremiah 1:5 is a statement that I would lean on. God knew Jeremiah before he formed him and that he would be of service to Him. God gave him things to say to Judah and God wanted Jeremiah to trust Him throughout the messages. This would be an illustration of Jeremiah being predetermined to be used for service. His faith in God in being used saved him.

As I see predetermination of our status in the kingdom, God is all knowing and does know His own because of that. There is not one renegade atom throughout the universe that God does not know of. God actively works in and with His creation. He allowed Pharaoh heart to be hardened by removing His hand of restraint on Him until, by the death of his first-born son, his heart changed to allow the Hebrews to leave. God said, “Come, let us settle this,” says the Lord. Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are crimson red, they will be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured y the sword.” Isaiah 1:18-20. God knows your choices so choose accordingly to His will, which is known, “and I, If I be lifted up will draw all men unto me,” I pray you choose at that moment, Jesus, as your final answer!

Heavenly Father, guard us as we study. Instruct us as we implement Your Word. Continue to save us until You bring us into Your glory, Your kingdom because of what Jesus did for us. We call on His name for our salvation!

-David Mroz